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ALOKA Alpha5 color doppler ultrasound fault repair case

July 16, 2021

Latest company case about ALOKA Alpha5 color doppler ultrasound fault repair case

ALOKA alpha 5 is equipped with advanced front-end technology, original data processing platform,high-capacity digital beam generator (12bit digital beam generator) and other technologies to ensure the high-quality image of all organs in the body.And as well as the varties probes in ALOKA, ALOKA alpha 5 can meet the needs of linical diagnosis and scientific research,At present, ALOKA alpha 5 is used in many hospitals in China. Now we will analyze one of the common faults encountered in the use of ALOKA α5.

Faults phenomenon

When operating the CW(continuous doppler), the diagnostic instrument crashed with an error prompt, and the other functions were all normal.Error warning: the machine detects abnormal voltage, please restart the system.

Failure analysis

(1)The CW function of the diagnostic instrument can only be used in cardiac, and it has no such function in other conditions, so the CW board may be damaged.
(2) in case the appearance of the fault, the working voltage of CW measured by the attached power box drops significantly, which may be caused by the attached power box.

(3) this fault may also be caused by CW signal and loss of communication function.
(4) the heart probe (phased array probe) is composed of PW and CW, and the heart probe may be damaged.
(5) the software system is damaged, resulting in the loss of CW function.



It’s not working after replacing the attached power box and related circuit boards,the dead phenomenon didn’t appeared when the heart probe was replaced . The problem was e circuits of the machine appeared,the restart of the machine are required.

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